Monday, November 14, 2011

Bittersweet feelings

Sooo, I'm really looking forward to the end of this week and at the same time dreading it. This Thursday is supposed to be my last day working at the airport, (hopefully). I've already pushed it back by three months, but this should be the last time . . . that is if I don't push it back again. But that's not the reason for the feelings.

I'm super excited because my dear husband and I are going to VEGAS!!! :) He's never been there and I've been there but only as a kid/teenager. So I'm looking forward to showing him to cool things about Vegas and having some good memories made there. The Bellagio fountain and the Las Vegas Temple are top on my list. It would be nice to see some shows down there but because of the price we decided to skip out on those and do other things . . . like going on the STRATOSPHERE RIDES!!! YAY! haha. Anyway, we might go to the 'Pawn Stars"  shop just because my husband and in-laws love watching that show, sometimes I like watching it too.

Now to why I'm not looking forward to this weekend. It'll be the first time I'm away from my baby boy for more than 30 something hours. The longest I've been away from Alyx has been fifteen-ish hours and we were still in the same state! Just less than half an hours drive from him! Now I'm going to be a state away and HOURS away from him. It's going to be tough. I'm so torn, from spending quality time with Jason to leaving Alyx. *sigh* It sucks.

1 comment:

  1. you'll be okay. alyx will be okay. :)

    i want to go to the pawn stars store.

    go to the double decker golf ball driving range! kim, jaycey, doug and i went with dan...we hit balls off the top deck. it was great! and doug's the only golfer around here.. :)
