Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Welcome to the last trimester!!

Woot! I am here, another mile stone accomplished. Honestly, this pregnancy has been a WHOLE lot easier than when I was pregnant with Alyx. He was tough on me. Heartburn like CRAZY!!! Every day eating tums throughout the day and sometimes if it wasn't enough I made myself throw up just to get rid of the burning because nothing worked. He kicked me a lot in the ribs too. He also didn't like me eating bananas. haha.

Now this little baby boy, completely different. He likes resting lower in me so I hardly have heartburn. Maybe once a week or so . . . if that. Also last night was the first time I had some minor pain as he decided to give a little kick to my ribs. But where he generally stays away from my ribs, he still is quite the active little guy. :)

I count my lucky stars that so far, everything is going well and I have made it this far. Not like I've been extremely worried that I wouldn't, but just that because of what happened earlier this year and me losing a baby kinda made me just a little more cautious. I am so happy that I'm pregnant again, or around this time, it could've been a lot harder for me to deal with. With my last baby, I was due in about a week and a half. So I am counting my lucky stars I have another baby. Making it to the third trimester has been a prayer I have kept in my heart.

I know I am blessed. I have a good and happy life. I have a wonderful, dedicated, and loving husband who is a fantastic father and he is gifted with smarts in many languages. I already have a son who is constantly making me smile and laugh and growing up so quickly. Now I have the joy to have another son, a baby to hold in my arms again. Someone who will help me heal the part of my mother heart that has been broken and not quite fixed. I am super excited to meet my new baby boy. :) My William.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Best thing in the morning

Besides sleeping in . . . and eating some yummy breakfast, I actually look forward to when my sweet little boy wakes up. YES!! I actually love it when he wakes up. :) It's because as soon as I open the door, I know what's going to happen.      

I'll open the door and see his smiling face and him bouncing up and down on his crib. It is one of the cutest sights to see. We will then proceed to play around, peek-a-boo, or him lying on his crib and moving around as I 'attempt' to tickle him. Sometimes he will start bouncing all over again. Then when I finally get him out of his crib, he will point to his blanket. After I pick it up, he will have his arms wrapped around me and lie his head on my shoulder. I then wrap the blanket around him and we will snuggle for a bit.

Once in a while in the day he will bring me his blanket again telling me he wants me to wrap him up in it and cuddle some more.


I love these moments with Alyx. It's some of my favorite mommy moments.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

100 days!!

I can now start the REAL countdown till my due date. :)

No more triple digits after today. To me, that means it will go by a lot faster. 90's, 80's and so on days till I meet my new little baby boy. I am thrilled!! :)  . . . of course I'm scared and nervous too, but that's only natural and I'm sure after a few weeks I'll get the hang of being a mom to two children, both boys. :)

I'm also curious, because of course generally everyone thinks their kids are the cutest . . . and I for one can not be blamed for thinking I have the cutest boy. lol. So now, how is this new baby boy going to compare? I think that he will be just as cute as Alyx. Sooo, it will have to probably end up being a tie. I'll have the top TWO cutest boys in the world!!!! lol. :) Well I actually have to say three, since Jason should be included, but he's more of a handsome man. ;) But he is pretty cute when he's playing around with Alyx. Whether it's building blocks with him, reading books, or any other fun cute thing they do together, I'm excited to see this family have our new addition and grow and join on in the Wilber fun.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I love my mother!

I know it's no where near Mother's day, but I have been thinking about my mom a lot lately and I feel the need to tell you how amazing she is and how much I look up to her and to tell you a little about her.

I know how everyone has a hard life, but honestly . . . I think my mom has been dealt one of of the most difficult ever. Her mom was killed in a car accident by a drunk driver, she has had two horrible previous marriages and is finally with the man that she is going to be with for eternity, but even that, like everything else worth something needs to be worked on. Her ex is still, after a more than a decade of being divorced harasses and threatens her. She also has so many worries for each of her children and then not to mention the daily struggles that come with every day of life. How does she handle it? With patience, love, hope and compassion. She has had all the reason to be angry and mad. But if you look at her, you would never know. I don't know how she does it, pray a ton I bet. But no really, if I were in her shoes. I'd be screaming my head off and on a rage. Instead, she is a beautiful angel who doesn't life (or those in it) tear her down.

As a mother of six kids, she already leads a busy life. I mean, all moms are busy with only one! But she has a kid who is a mom herself *cough cough*, a kid who is in college and maybe serving a mission in the near future, a kid in high school, a kid in jr. high, another one in elementary and one not even in preschool yet. Wow! But she balances it all out and is able to give us all the love we need from her. She does her best to support all six of us in out interests and daily lives.

It's hard to be a mom, and even harder to see your kids suffer at someone else's hands, or watching them go through trials themselves. She has done a wonderful job teaching us to love the gospel and encouraging us to go to our Young Women or Relief Society activities.

She is a pillar of strength for me. Someone who I can go to when I'm feeling down, or even when I'm feeling happy and need to share some good news with. She's always willing to listen to me, even when she has other things she needs to do, she takes the time to listen to what I have to say.

She is also very VERY talented!! Beautiful singing voice and plays the piano pretty well. She also knows how to play the flute. She loves to dance, be silly and have fun with her kids. She raised me on some of the best music ever in life. Like Neil Diamond, Carpenters and ABBA just to name a few. She makes gorgeous wedding cakes, even if she doesn't think so (she can be such a perfectionist sometimes). She is also an amazing cook, turning food into a feast! She is also very funny, in which I think she is like her mother. :) Growing up, my friends told me I have such a cool mom. I do!! :) She hardly ever thinks of herself, because she is ALWAYS constantly thinking of others. So my sisters and I have to sometimes remind her to slow down and take some time to herself, which can be difficult to get her to do. Have I mentioned that she is also very beautiful and I have always wanted to look more like her? She is hard working. She is one of my best friends. She is my mother and I love her. I'm hoping that I can be as good as a mother to my kids as she has been to me. She is a spectacular mother!!! I try so hard to make sure she knows that. She deserves the best and to be happy and loved.

There are so many other amazing things about my mom, the list can really go on and on. But I guess for now, this will have to do. :)