Friday, January 20, 2012

Proud Mommy Moment

Today, as I fixed myself some lunch and wanting to actually eat it, har har har, I had to distract Alyx.

So I said "Juice, Juice." I also showed him the sign for juice in sign language (teaching him milk and juice, so he can communicate with me before he talks). Then I asked him where his juice was, because he didn't finish it earlier and figured I can eat while he drinks his juice. He looked at me . . . then started looking around. He then crawled to where his juice was, a couple feet away from him and popped the bottle in his mouth!!!

I was shocked!! He understood me, whether by signing juice or saying it . . he got the message and showed me what a smart little boy he is. :) I didn't have to distract him at all. He and I had our lunch together without stress at all. It was awesome. But what was really wonderful was that I learned that he understands what I'm saying and showed me. I'm a happy lucky momma and I dearly love my little boy. :)

1 comment:

  1. I was just talking about the wonderment of human's first year of life and how we are geniuses! Because we come knowing nada..and we don't exactly have 'school for babies', they have to learn by trial and error...and look at what we learn in our first year! Just amazing! And here's your little guy showing you his brilliance! Just is a miracle all around. Glad you're getting to experience it!
