Monday, January 23, 2012

Alyx and Laughing till I cry in RS

Ok, so the first thing . . . . Alyx is 11 months old today. Holy crap, how did the time go by so fast?!?! Honestly, he's still a baby to me, but he's growing out of that as he's being more independent and learning to do more toddler ish things.

Now, yesterday in church, it was kinda hard. Alyx did not really let Jason or I sleep well during the night so poor Jason fell asleep during church and I had to try to get Alyx to sleep during sacrament meeting and sunday school with no success when I was sleep deprived as well. Thankfully, it was Jason's turn taking Alyx  during the final hour so I could actually pay attention in Relief Society. Guess what . . . I was still busy. I was asked to say the prayer, had a quote that I needed to read and had to do a small amount of work in my new calling, (I'm on the RS welcome committee). Besides that, there was a mom sitting in front of me with her adorable 3 month old son. He kept on spitting up on her and himself and so I helped clean up the mess. :) Made me think of Alyx and when he used to do that ALOT! The first two times her son looked at me, I played with him and made him smile and laugh. Then I decided to stop, except he apparently thought I was funny after that, because even without me doing anything, if he looked at me he started laughing so much I started laughing. I laughed so much I was crying and had to put my head down so he wouldn't see my face. After calming down a bit I sat back up and payed attention to the lesson. A few moments later he looked at me again and laughed all over again, making me crack up!! I couldn't help it. It was so funny and so cute, but I couldn't stop laughing and crying. The process happened a few more times until his mom took her son to the back of the room so we would stop laughing. It was good medicine though. :) Just hope my face isn't that funny looking.

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